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Policy and Safety Procedures

Fame One performers or characters must be provided a safe environment to sing, dance, speak or otherwise provide entertainment to the customer by the customer. No customer or his/her agent shall treat any Fame One personnel in a manner that is rough, menacing, vulgar, profane or abusive, or in a manner that involves discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability or national origin. No animals are allowed where Fame One personnel perform. No customer or his/her agent shall smoke in a covered area or drink alcoholic beverages where Fame One performers are performing. 

Displays, and any other actions or behaviors of the customers or their representative(s) must be conducted in such a way as to not interfere with the normal performance of Fame One personnel. Fame One also requires the customers cooperation with Fame One staff needing access to any lavatory. If Fame One personnel determines, in his or her discretion, that any of the above listed behaviors are interfering with the normal conduct of performances, Fame One will only request once that such behaviors be stopped permanently. Failure to comply with the Fame One personnels request to have the behaviors stopped may result in termination of all services, which no refund will be given. 

All customers are to be treated with courtesy and respect by Fame One personnel .

Customers wishing to obtain Fame One services must meet with a Fame One scheduling coordinator prior to any service. The reason is to make sure a safe and pleasant environment be established prior to any Fame One performance. If for any reason the Fame One performance has to be cancelled due to weather or other act of God scenarios arise that a performance cannot be given a full refund will be given back to the customer, or a rescheduling of the customers choice be given (if available).  

A full refund will not be given to any customer if Fame One personnel has to stop a performance due to customer negligence. ie scheduling performances outside if known bad weather has been predicted, or in a venue that is not appropriately chosen by the customer.    

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